Diabetes and.....

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Diabetes Action Center

I just got an e-mail from the American Diabetes Association’s Action Center. Please read and if you want to make a difference click on the Take Action Now! link below.


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Dear Diabetes Advocate,

As you may know, Stephen Orr, a pharmacist at a Wal-Mart in Nebraska, was fired for taking lunch breaks to eat and manage his diabetes. Yet he was never able to remedy this injustice.

The reason?

Courts have been throwing out diabetes discrimination cases because of an absurd Catch 22, siding with employers who claim that a person with diabetes is "too disabled" to do the job, but not "disabled enough" to be protected by the laws!

That's what happened to Stephen.

Congress has still yet to act on closing the loophole in the law that continues to allow discrimination again people with diabetes. Tomorrow, the House Education and Labor Committee is holding a hearing on the bill that could close this loophole in the law. Ask your U.S. representative to support the ADA Restoration Act (H.R. 3195).

The stakes are huge: if a person with diabetes isn’t covered by the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), then it's perfectly legal to fire or refuse to hire that person explicitly because of his or her diabetes.

Help Congress get the message. Click on the link below and ask your Representative to protect people with diabetes from discrimination and to support H.R. 3195.

Take Action Now!


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