Diabetes and.....

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About Me

Diabetic, Advocate, Athlete, and now blogger.......

Hi, I'm Brian Foster, and diabetes is my life. It doesn't have to be that way for all of us with diabetes, but it is for me - and I've accepted that. I'm not thankful for my disease, but I have learned to make the best of it. Because of my disease, I have a job in diabetes care, a loving wife (yes, we met at work), a passion for health and fitness, and a group of friends that seems to be growing by the boatload as we find that we share this terrible disease.

Along with all of that came an intrest in writing. Not a talent for writing, but an interest. When i was a kid I had to keep logbooks on what i ate, how much insulin i took and what my bloodsugars were. Those things werent always done to my parents and health care providers expectations, but i did learn to write a lot. Everything I was feeling about my diabetes, the good the bad, the high, the low, the ugly, and the really ugly. It never made it go away mind you, but it always seemed to help.

So fast forward to the present, and my blog. The blog isn't that much different from the journals i kept all those years, except I'm writing it out in the open for the whole world to see. Not that anyone is going to read this mind you, but I have to hope. Writing helps me get a lot of my issues out, if it helps someone to read it and comment that they feel that way to, well, then the blog is worth it.
Check ya later.....