Diabetes and.....

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Last night was bad

The title probably says it all, but you probably want to know more. It was absolutely awful.


I’m ashamed to tell you how I did it, but if I don’t speak up someone might make the same mistake. And that’s the last thing I could ever want. So I was on the phone talking to mom (yes I still call my mom) and I was fidgeting. I had no pen to click, or piece of paper to fold, so I was fooling around with my infusion set (yea, you know where this is going). I was disconnecting and re-connecting my set over and over, except for the last re-connect. I then proceeded to bolus for 50 grams of carbs, ate a bowl (a big bowl) of edy’s lowfat ice cream and went to bed.


Two hours later, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom. I didn’t realize something was wrong until I tried getting up, and that’s when it hit me. It felt like my skin was on fire. I walked slowly to the bathroom (although it felt like the last 5 meters of the 100 yard dash) and peed, and after I was finished (which felt like forever, but must have only been twenty minutes or so) I came out and decided ‘oh, I must be high’


I should have looked at my set; that would have been the smart thing to do. But when you can hardly stand the last thing you’re thinking of is let me check myself. I slumped into my chair and took a bolus. (damn the bg calculator – I don’t have time for that!)

I gave the bolus and slumped into my chair to watch some re-runs that I’ve seem more times then I can count.


My hands felt like they were cold (even though they were burning) so I stuck them under my shirt (which is when I felt the moisture). I screamed some more obscenities and I clicked the site then checked my IOB. It said I had about 5 units on board, but I knew that wasn’t right. I took another huge bolus, hoping that it would get better. It did – but not right away. Three alarms later to wake up and make sure I didn’t crash and I still had a 222 BG when I woke up this morning, feeling like I had gotten hit with a sledge hammer (multiple times).


So why share? Well I like to think I know a lot about diabetes but I make some dumb mistakes sometimes – we all do. It’s part of having diabetes, it’s a part of life. But I hope if anyone reads this tonite and checks their site before they go to bed then it was worth it.


And the workout for today – yea you guessed it, no workout in the AM, but I did swim for 50 minutes tonight.