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Monday, December 29, 2008

I can't wait!!!!

I can't even write coherently. The next two weeks are going to be so cool!!!! I’m headed out to a Best Practices Conference for Children with Diabetes in Marco Island. These conferences are geared towards families where one (or more) of the children are diagnosed with diabetes. Parents attend session on diabetes management while the kids are off on supervised activities. Tricia and I will be flying out with my niece, Ella who’s six (we thought that would give us a good taste of what it'll be like to have a little one:).

Tricia and I will be presenting one of the sessions together, which is a first for us. Since she has a nutrition background and I have exercise physiology we thought we would do it on how to integrate nutrition and activity into diabetes management. I’ll also be presenting with Joe Eldridge from Team Type 1 on taking sports to the next level.

I’ll be flying home for work (of course) but then flying back the following weekend for Team CWD, a new initiative for CWD. We’ll be running in the Walt Disney Marathon weekend; family members are participating in the 5k, ½ marathon, or marathon. So very cool!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some new year resolutions…

I realize that New Year's Eve is still a few days away, but my MD appointment last week really got me thinking about what I need to work on. At diabetes conferences people always say how remarkable it is that I participate in triathlons, but I'm not perfect - far from it. Regardless of how people perceive us, there are always things we can improve on.Well, here's my list.

Caffeine Boy, I don’t know if it was the new job, or the move to a new state, but I’m drinking coffee – a lot of coffee. I make a pot of coffee and usually have to make another one before my wife even wakes up. Then I have it throughout the day, I even catch myself having it when I check into hotels in the evening.My Resolution Cut the caffeine. I went out and bought some decaf for the house, and am going to make a conscious effort to buy decaf when I’m out.

Water This kind of went hand in hand with the caffeine. The water went out, the caffeine went in. I feel like I’m borderline dehydrated most of the time.My Resolution Instead of a coffee cup, I I’ll start carrying a water bottle in the car. I’m also going to buy some of those Crystal Light on the go packets to make the water flavored.

Time Management This is something I’ve really struggled with, but now with the job and the new demands for CWD, and Triabetes, I really need to get this stuff sorted out. I think I let things like MD appointments and personal issues take a back seat, which is not good for me, or my family.My Resolution I’m going to try learning a little more about what my PDA has to offer (I use outlook) in the hopes of scheduling some time for everything

And for all of you?If I was going to make some recommendations about New Year’s resolutions, I would certainly recommend setting some goals for the year. Now is the perfect time to do so (everyone else is doing it!!!!)

1)Remember that people get in the habit of trying to do too much, too soon and end up failing at everything. Don’t get caught in this trap. Pick one or two small changes that you can make, then when you successfully accomplish them move on to bigger and better things.

2)Pick goals that you are able to measure, ‘feeling better’ is noteworthy, but it is subjective and hard to quantify. Weight loss or a daily fitness regimen is easier to measure, and is related to feeling better.

3) Find support. Tell your friend and family members about your goals, get them to follow suit. Find a way to support them while they support you, whether you have the same goals or not.