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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New (cough) Year!

The new year started off with a bang (or rather, a sneeze). Tricia and I brought my niece along with us to the CWD Best Practices Conference in Marco Island FL. I was still feeling under the weather, but had been looking forward to this conference for almost a year. I had written earlier that my wife and I were going to be presenting together at the conference on how to integrate nutrition and activity into diabetes management, a 'marriage' of sorts.

So we got in on New Year’s Eve, but rather then joining in the festivities we went right up to bed (I guess that should have been a sign of what was to come). I had one day where I felt ok, and in retrospect it was a great day. I was able to go for a long run on the beach and really enjoy running somewhere new. That evening the conference began and I had a great time, meeting old friend and making new ones.

But (there’s always a but) that was about it for me. The next day I was so sick I could hardly walk. I slashed most of my presentations with the kids in an effort not to get them sick, and spent that day (and the following one in bed). It was a horrible feeling..... Here I was at this beautiful destination and I couldn't enjoy it. The beach was pristine, the view from our hotel deck was spectacular, and I was shivering and convulsing with aches, pains, and a fever.

My BGs were all over the place too (isn't that mandatory when you're sick?) I did a few temp basals to try and get them down, it always amazes me how much insulin I need when I’m sick. I took more insulin then I do on a daily basis – but I didn’t eat. And my boluses usually account for about 55% of my daily insulin.

Although I spent most of the time in bed, the conference did have a few highlights. The fever did subside for a bit, and I did present with my wife, and although it was a bit hazy with the fever I really enjoyed it. And I also presented to the parents on extreme athletics with Joe Eldridge from Team Type 1, and anytime I get to do that with one of the TT1 boys it’s a thrill.

I’m headed back to Buffalo now, and hoping that my cold clears up by next week. I’m flying back down here to run in Walt Disney’s marathon as part of Team CWD. Here’s hoping I’m able to pull through.