Diabetes and.....

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Insulin - Is it in you?

It’s amazing what the body can (and in some cases cannot) do under certain circumstances. I’ve done a ton of endurance competions; marathons, triathlons, biathlons, I even ran 31 miles on a treadmill once (just for fun). And each time I compete in a competion or push myself in a workout I have to call on my body to perform. I have to push my body to its limits – and I always do. In all these situatons my faith in my ability and my emotions run the gammet; from feeling invulenrable, to questioning if I can keep my pace. But even if I slow, my body is always able to keep going.

But sometimes (and thank goodness it’s only sometimes) something happens…something happens with my insulin. In some cases my infusion set kinks, in this last one the insulin had gone bad (and yes, it can go bad). Without insulin in my body, I get so weak and cramped from the high BGs that walking up the steps is a challenge, let alone even trying to prepare for my next race with a workout. Heck it’s even tough to get out of bed and go to the bathroom (which when your BG is high you do about every 15 minutes).

It’s humbling sometimes, that for as strong as I might be physically I know I’m essentially helpless without insulin. Let’s hope tomorrow is a better day.

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