ADA Advocate
I’m registered with the American Diabetes Association as a Diabetes Advocate. Why? Well to tell you the truth, I’d love to be able to write my senator and congressman / woman and tell them to support Diabetes related issues every now and then, but I just don’t have time. So the ADA has a neat way of doing most of the work for you online. You just click away and your respective representative gets an e-mail from you about the issues you care about. Here’s the latest I got from one of thier e-mails, minus the fancy logo. Sign up, and forward it to a friend….

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Dear Diabetes Advocate,
$174 billion - that’s how much diagnosed cases of diabetes cost the U.S. in 2007. With an additional 6 million people believed to have diabetes but not yet diagnosed, the actual cost of diabetes may be much greater.
Yesterday, the American Diabetes Association released a new study showing the economic impact of diabetes on our country. You can find out how much diabetes costs in your state by going to the ADA’s diabetes cost calculator ( This will give you the estimated costs of diabetes in your state (or congressional district), as well as the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in that area.
The Administration and Congress will soon begin working on the FY 2009 budget, and it’s important for them to hear that diabetes doesn’t just effect on individual, or one family, but that it takes a toll on all of us. Please click on the link below and tell your members of Congress it is time to properly fund diabetes research and prevention efforts to we can put a stop to this public health crisis.
Take Action Now!
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