Is that your BG calling?
I’ve got an honest question that deserves an honest answer. Have you used your BG logbook today? That’s ok, a bad day happens to all of us. How about this week? No? This year?
I’m not judging. If you asked me the same question my answer wouldn’t be any different then yours. We all struggle with this.
Diabetes management came a long way when we were able to toss out the 3 ring notebook in favor of a computer program, but it’s still no where near where it needs to be. What do you want to download today? Pumps, meters, and PDA’s, Oh my! And each one with different cables and attachments for all (oh goodie). Animas had a great idea trying to get meters from different companies to work with their software but that involved A LOT of work on their end.
The problem is that diabetes can not be looked at weekly, or when you happen to be able to get your 5 year old computer to stop freezing up on you long enough to load your meter. It had to be analyzed minute to minute, because that’s how often were living with this disease. Software needs to go the same route as the insulin pumps, working 24/7. But until then perhaps there’s a close second.
Now the only other thing that gets carried with me as often as my pump and meter is my phone. And here lies a possible solution. A new product was just launched through Mobile Diabetic called the logbook FX; it’s a diabetes health diary that combines all the cool ‘techy’ things you can do through phones (like multimedia pictures and melodies) along with the very important part of graphing and reporting blood glucose numbers.
Now I will admit. I have yet to download it to my phone so I don’t want to give it a premature thumbs up, but it sounds pretty cool. And to be honest, other then my colored screen pump, there aren’t a lot of ‘cool’ things about diabetes. Go ahead and view their site here.
If you’ve tried and have a comment, please feel free to leave it.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my pet peeves. The lack of support for standards in just terrible. Even if they all could agree on using the same cable - maybe the USB cable that many of us with digital cameras already have - wouldn't that be a good idea.
I just came across your blog for the first time today. I've added you to the diabetes search engine.
Good luck in the triathlon, I thought (briefly) about taking part but I'm too lazy!