Man I feel awful.
For our anniversary, my wife and I went out to dinner to celebrate. (no that's not what i feel awful about). I should probably give some background information.....When it comes to carbohydrate counting, I am the King of my own castle. I've got the size of my bowls, cups, and plates to a science. You can put any amount of food in them and if i know that carbohydrate content of the food (from the label of course) then i can tell you the carbs. It's not something that came right away, but after measuring and measuring you just get the feel for it.
Now the important part here is that last part ...of my own castle. When we go out to dinner it's a whole different story; differnt plate sizes, more preservatives then i would use at home, more fat then i would want to guess - all of these will screw up my bolusing. It's almost a garuntee.
So back to dinner.... Ithought that I had the bolus down. I didn’t eat anything out of control, I was pretty good actually – large salad and black bean soup. When I was ready for bed my BG was dropping a little and was at 87 mg/dl – so I decided to cancel the rest of my combo bolus. But I woke up around 4:30 am feeling like I hadn’t had a drink of water in months (and had a 266 mg/dl). I corrected and was back down to normal by the time I got to work this morning but had to skip the morning bike because I didn't get enough sleep.
I hope your time in Iowa was a blast! Sorry you didn't feel well....we just took Jesse out for ice cream only to discover his bs was 450! (cgm was removed) Ugh. Nothing worse than looking at a kid and saying,"sorry, no ice cream." Someday.....