Thankful for What I Have
I'm glad i have diabetes...
It's not often that I say that, and i don't know that I've ever said that. I've said before that it's been a blessing to have diabetes because of it having opened up doors I never thought possible; a passion for exercise, an interest in others, not to mention a paycheck. But glad i have diabetes?
Then I woke up on Friday, and learned of the crash of Continental 3407 in Buffalo - the crash occurred only a few miles from my house, less then a few actually. I was sound asleep when it happened, but the sirens went on all night. I was so tired I never made the connection that they had been going on for hours until i woke the next morning.
Seeing the reports from national news shows on the streets I've run on for the last 6 months was, well, like a nightmare I couldn't wake up from . My mornings in the car are usually filled wi
Photo from AP Photo by Don Heupel
The city of Buffalo has a much smaller feel to it then you would think, and Clarence is epitome of that. People wave to you from their yards as you drive by and those walking their dogs will stop and have conversations with you. My wife and I are new to the area, so the number of people we know are small. But the feeling that we have lost is still there. It's like finding out you've lost family that you never had a chance to meet.
I went for a run this morning down the bike trail where i usually do my long runs. The trail weaves through Clarence, intersecting with all of the roads in town. Many of them were blocked off because of the crash, cars couldn't get through but those on the trail could. To see the roads blocked off and with the flashing lights of the police blockade was numbing. I could have run down the street to to see more, but didn't need to.
The investigators are already searching for the reasons why the crash occurred; ice, wind, mechanical, human error, maybe even a combination of all of them. We always search for the reasons. And even if they find the cause, many will still want to know just why this happened - not the actual cause, but the larger question of why tragedies occur. Events like this cause people question their faith, others are drawn closer to theirs. As a child I often used to wonder why I got diabetes, and while running today I found myself asking those same questions about how something like this could occur. Questions I guess that can take lifetime to answer, if they can be.
I came home after running and hugged my wife. The times are few, but today, diabetes feels like a small burden when looking at a much larger picture of life.
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