So I ran 19 miles this morning with the Buffalo marathon training group. Yup, 19 big ones. And no, that's not why I gave this particular blog entry the title it has. Sure, the 19 miles had something to do with it. But it wasn't the pain in my legs that was the issue, it was the pain in my side - from my infusion set.
(Early Disclaimer - Now stop right there, don't go thinking this is an excuse not to use an insulin pump. This is merely just a 'boy today sucked and i need to vent' kind of blog entry. The editors at Runner's World often write about runs that involve injuries or inclement weather, but don't expect them to stop running. They just complain a little to get it off their chest, then get right back to cheering from their soap box about how important running is. Same thing. Pumping rocks, don't get the blog entry confused.)

Pictures of the (1)infusion set with the inserter, (2) usining the inserter, and (3) the final set
So I changed my site out this morning before I ran. Not immediately before, probably two hours prior. And yea, it stung a little after I changed it, but nothing dramatic. I mean come on, it is a needle I'm placing under the skin, And yes, the infusion inserter makes it fairly painless the majority of the time, but it's not like a hot knife going through butter. Every once in a great while it'll sting for a few moments and then go away. But it was still bothering me a little as i got ready to head out for the run. The smart move would have been to change it out. Guess what i did?
So during the run? Ugh! Boy, it really started to hurt. It felt like the cannula was scraping the muscle underneath. I tried changing my stride, arm swing, pacing, you name it but nothing worked. Near the last few miles the muscles in my legs began to ache a little, but I was glad to have something else begin to hurt to take my mind off of the site.
Man, I was soooo glad to change the set out after. Even now while I type it hurts a little. But lesson learned. My educator (ie, my wife, also known as the boss) says, 'when in doubt, change it out'. Be sure I won't take that one for granted again.
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