Testing again...
Ignore this blog kids....I'm trying out a new blogging feature called geo tagging. I'm trying to figure a way out to blog during the Boston Marathon and mapping out the blogs as i go....
Ignore this blog kids....I'm trying out a new blogging feature called geo tagging. I'm trying to figure a way out to blog during the Boston Marathon and mapping out the blogs as i go....
Posted by
Brian Foster
9:40 AM
Hi gang,
I wanted all to know that Triabetes was featured in an episode of dLife a few weeks back. Woohoo!!!! They interviewed the individual that we owe it all to...Michelle Alswager. I couldn't put the link live into my blog, but you can check out the video by going to dLife
Check ya later...
Posted by
Brian Foster
11:00 AM
I think I need a new hip...I hadn't mentioned it in the blog because i was trying to be positive about Diabetes Training Camp, CWD, etc. etc. But wow, it was a doozy of a fall.
Posted by
Brian Foster
7:33 AM
And no, this is not like the famous phrase in the Run DMC ' Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good!' It was a really bad workout.
It started out with the best of intentions....don't they all? I got the gym before it got crowded, so I knew I had plenty of time to get my hour long interval workout on the treadmill done (they always have a fit when i try and hog the treadmill longer then 30 minutes when others are waiting). I had the i-pod with the fast thumpy songs, the gatorade and assorted gels, and the small towell that tricia made me bring because I tend to sweat a tad when I'm running 5:30 miles.I was going to do intervals, 3 minutes hard, two minutes easy. It went well for about 30 minutes or 4 intervals into the 10 interval workout. Then i became uncomfortable, and i didn't want to finish, and that never, ever happens (unless of course I'm low). I drank the remainder of the gatorade i had left, and tore through the gels, and whatever else was in my bag but it did little to stop the feeling.
I tried walking it off and trying again but i couldn't get it going again. I stepped off the treadmill dejected and headed home, I didn't even bother showering. Man was I angry. I'd rather give up because the pace its too hard then step off because I'm low.
Tomorrow's another day of course, but boy i hate throwing in the towel over diabetes. it happens, that's life, but it'll be eaiser once i hammer in a good workout.
Posted by
Brian Foster
7:29 PM
Wow! Just when I think I've got a boatload of great stories about diabetic athletes from DTC (Diabetes Training Camp) and i couldn't possibly get anymore, I meet another handful of inspiring athletes, all doing what i do everyday - live without limits when it comes to their diabetes. I don't have room in my head for all of them. (Wow, I walked right into that one, I can imagine all of the jokes from here).
So I left Trifest early so I could make it to the Children with Diabetes in Toronto. I was sad to leave the team early, but boy was I glad to be with CWD. The confernece focused on Insulin Pump Therapy and best practices surrounding it. And to emphasize the idea that pumping can be done successfully there were a plethora of athletes there. It was hard to keep track of them all, but here's a little run down on who was there:
Posted by
Brian Foster
7:50 PM